submission guidelines
​We have two submission periods: our fall and spring cycle. Dates may vary, but we will always keep the most current open submission dates in our "What's the Big Deal?" section of our home page.
We accept fiction and essays: fiction in any genre (except children’s and YA) with a clear literary intent, and essays as narratively straightforward or as experimental as you envision. Translations are welcome. International submissions in English are welcome. We welcome simultaneous submissions, but please notify us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere. Please only submit one piece at a time. Only previously unpublished work is considered.
We compensate our writers: fiction and essay writers featured in each BIG FICTION issue receive $50 upon publication. A completed novelette is no easy feat, and you should be recognized on as many levels as possible for that. A fee applies to all fiction and essay submissions. We're volunteers reading through beautiful long works, and we borrow time from our other endeavors to love your beauties through selection and publication.
Need more info? Of course, you do. See below.
Submit online through our SUBMITTABLE link only. Emailed submissions will not be considered.
No refunds will be given for any materials submitted.